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Articles of Association

This document defines our purpose as a company as well as the duties and responsibilities of our members. 


Please click here to see our the Kingsway Community Trust Articles of Association

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

This is a legal document required in setting up a company and is a statement that the subscribers wish to form a company under the 2006 companies act.


Please click here to see our Memorandum of Association (MOA)

Scheme of Delegation

Please click here to see our Scheme of Delegation

Funding Agreement

The funding agreement is the contract between the Secretary of State for Education and the academy, and sets out the terms on which we are funded. 

Please click here to see our Master Funding Agreement for the Trust
Please click here to see the supplementary Agreement for Cringle Brook Primary School


Annual Accounts

Click here for our Annual Accounts 22/23

Click here for our Annual Accounts 21/22

Click here for our Annual Accounts 20/21

Register of Business Interests

Please click here to see our Register of Business Interests Policy

Higher Paid Staff

Click here for the information on the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k

To contact our Chair of The Trust Board, please email our Board Clerk:

To contact our Governance & Compliance Manager, please email:

Legal Notices                                                                                                                                                                         ​© Kingsway Community Trust, 2014. All Rights Reserved

Kingsway Community Trust

Registered Office: Briarfield Road, Withington, M20 4SR. Tel: 0161 445 4898

Registered Number: 8339302, Registered in England and Wales

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