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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Cringle Brook Primary School we recognise that every child is unique and special and we strive to meet the needs of all pupils within our school. All staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality information and training. We aim to quickly identify pupils, who are making limited progress and provide targeted interventions and support to meet their needs. We ensure that parents are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning at regular points throughout the year.


We are a fully inclusive school and work alongside the Local Authority, Health Professionals and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care.


The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can support children. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Chase.


Local Offer

As part of this new legislation, Local Authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available in their area across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have EHC plans.


School’s also have a duty to publish their SEND Information Report as part of the Local Offer.


Click here to download our SEND Local Offer

​Click here to download our SEND Policy

​Click here to download our Accessibility Plan 

​Click here to access the Manchester Local Offer Newsletter

Helen Chase Oct 17.jpg

Miss Chase: SENDCO


Tel: 0161 248 1730

Our SEND Team


Mrs Nixon - Assistant SENDCo



Cringle Brook School Equality Objectives 

 Cringle Brook Primary School will:

  • To continue to develop our work on sex equality through ensuring that children presented with a range of non-stereotypical role models and resources.

  • To continue to develop pupil's understanding of how to identify and 'call out' inappropriate actions and words

  • To continue to develop pupil's understand of inappropriate actions towards others based on their sex

Click here to download our Equality Policy

SEN Information Report (Local Offer)

1.      The kinds of special educational needs and disability for which provision is made at the schools


Kingsway Community Trust is an academy trust made up of three schools- Ladybarn Primary School, Green End Primary School and Cringle Brook Primary School. Each school is a mainstream school that caters for children from 3 - 11 years old (CB 4-11yrs). All of our schools are inclusive schools. We aim to address the needs of each child and support their development in the most appropriate way possible and celebrate effort, as   much as achievement. Our Trust SEND policy document is available on the school websites, detailing our philosophy in relation to SEND.

  Additional and/or different provision is currently being made in school for children with a range of needs, including:


  • Cognition and Learning – Moderate learning difficulties; Specific learning difficulties – dyslexia, dyspraxia.

  • Sensory, Medical and Physical – visual impairments, hearing impairment, sensory processing difficulties, diabetes.

  • Communication and Interaction – autistic spectrum condition, speech and language difficulties.

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


This includes those children with SEND needs who are ‘looked after’ or have English as an additional language. Any child with SEND is welcome to apply for a place at any of our schools by following the school’s usual admissions policy. School will liaise closely with parents and other professionals regarding the needs and transition of pupils with SEND.


2.      Information about the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND


  • Pupils’ learning is carefully observed, assessed and monitored by classroom staff, and discussed termly with the SENDCo, who then may conduct further observations.

  • Parents are informed when there are concerns and are encouraged to be involved in meeting the needs of their child.

  •  When a pupil is causing concern, the class teacher collects evidence such as work samples or a behaviour log. During meetings between the class teacher and the SENDCo, concerns are discussed and if the needs of the pupil can no longer be met by normal in-class differentiation, the pupil’s parents are informed. If they are in agreement, the pupil is then placed on the SEND list

  • A copy of the Trust SEND policy can be found on the school websites – this is updated annually.


3.      Information about the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with SEND (whether or not pupils have EHC plans)

a.   How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils


  • The Special Educational Needs team monitors the progress of pupils with Special Educational Needs closely to evaluate the effectiveness of the provision which has been made

  • Provision for pupils with an Education Health Care Plans is reviewed at least annually

  • All SEN provision is monitored by the SENDCo before being shared and reviewed with the parents by the class teacher (termly)

  • Regular meetings are held with other professionals to support children with SEND

  • Observations of classroom teaching and interventions are regularly carried out


b.   The school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with  SEND


  • Classroom staff monitor and review the progress against age related expectations and against individual targets

  • Termly pupil progress meetings identify children who are/are not making progress and this leads to a provision map being created to support additional needs

  • Regular meetings are held with other professionals to support SEND children

  • An SEND Assessment Week is held termly to ensure that the progress of children with SEND is good and that their provision is appropriate



c.   The school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEND


  • Pupils with special educational needs will have access to a balanced and broadly based National Curriculum, with the opportunity to join in all the activities of the school. Different teaching strategies are used depending upon the nature of the child’s needs.  At Kingsway Community Trust we strive to create inclusive schools, engendering a sense of community and belonging through our:-

  • Inclusive ethos

  • A broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils

  • Systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation

  • Different teaching strategies depending upon the nature of the child’s needs

  • High expectations and suitable targets for all children


d.   How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment

  • Teachers carefully plan work at different levels so that all children can engage with the tasks and make progress

  •  Independent learning is encouraged, and wherever possible, we aim for children to access the curriculum without a high level of support

  • Due to the nature of the school building, accessibility can present some barriers. Adaptations to the physical environment will be made, as appropriate, to accommodate children with other physical/sensory disabilities

  • All of our classrooms are inclusion-friendly: we aim to teach in a way that will support children with tendencies towards dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD etc. This is good practice to support all children but is vital for those who particularly need it

  • All of our children access the full National Curriculum, and we recognise achievement in all curricular areas

  • The school has an accessibility policy which is regularly updated


e.   Additional support for learning that is available for pupils with SEND


  • Teaching assistants provide 1:1 support and small group support in the classroom

  • Work in class is adapted by task, support & expectation to personalise learning and support children to make  progress

  • We regularly work with external agencies such as speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists and ASD specialists to provide therapy, support, guidance and plans for us to implement in school

  • We access advice from the Trust’s Play Therapist for specific cases


f.     Enabling provision for all


  • All our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our pupils

  • All pupils are encouraged to go on our residential trip(s) to Ghyll Head and Kingswood. Individualised risk assessments are completed as required for children with EHCP or medical needs and these are agreed with parents

  • All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports day/school plays/special workshops, etc

  • No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEN or disability

  • A copy of the accessibility plan is available on the school website

  • Staff will liaise with Manchester Sensory Support Service and Inclusion Service to support children with disability to access the school.  Risk assessments will be done as soon as we are aware of a child with a disability who wants to access the school.  All reasonable adaptations will be made to support a disabled child to access the school environment


g.   Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND


  • All children participate in our SMSC curriculum lessons

  • More individualised emotional/social support is offered by the staff in response to needs which arise. Each school has a member of staff responsible for pastoral support

  • Some families may be supported by Early Help Assessments (EHA)

  • Our lead for EHAs across the trust is Mrs Clarke.

  • We take the wellbeing and safeguarding of your child very seriously and if concerns arise in relation to a child with Special Educational Needs or Disability, our normal safeguarding policy will apply

  • Our designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Vyas (Executive Head of all of our schools), Miss Chase (Cringle Brook) , Mr Caldwell (Ladybarn Primary) and Mr Shaw (Green End Primary)



h.   Support for transitions between year groups, phases and schools for children with SEND and preparing for adulthood


  • On entry to our early years provision, home visits are made. This helps school staff to identify and plan provision for those children with SEND

  • During the summer term time is given for teaching staff to meet with staff from the next year group in order to share SEND information and strategies

  • During Year 5, transition reviews will be held for children with a statement/EHCP. These reviews allow the local authority to plan appropriate provision for the child for secondary school

  • During Year 6, transfer reviews are held for those children with a statement/EHCP and their families. SEND staff from the child’s secondary school are invited to these meetings in order to plan for a smooth transition

  • When a child with SEND joins one of our schools from another school the SENDCo will liaise with their previous school to ensure a smooth transition

  • When a child with SEND transfers to another primary school the SENDCo will liaise with the new school to ensure continuity of provision​

4.      In relation to mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools, the name and contact details of the SENDCo


  • The SENDCo at Cringle Brook is Miss Chases. She can be contacted via the school office, through class teachers, or by phoning 0161 248 1730.

  • The SENDCo for Green End and Ladybarn Primary Schools is Mrs Easmon. She can be contacted via the school office, through class teachers, or by phoning 0161 432 7036 (Green End) 0161 445 4898 (Ladybarn).


5.      Information about how the expertise and training of staff (in relation to children with SEND and about how specialist expertise will be secured)


•    The SENDCOs in the Trust hold the National Award for SEN co-ordination
•    Staff throughout the schools have a good understanding of special educational needs and are supported by the SENDCo
•    Many staff have been trained in the systematic and thorough teaching of phonics
•    Visiting professionals provide guidance and advice to staff relating to individual children
•    Staff have had SALT training via Speech bubble
•    Staff have had training and guidance from RHOSEY to support individual children in the EYFS provision. 
•    Regular time is committed in CPD for the completion and review of EHCP pupil’s provision
•    School access the core offer provided by many specialist services for further guidance on SEND children
•    The school Speech and Language Therapist and Educational Psychologist will speak with staff and write reports giving advice on how to support children with their individual needs


6.      Information about how equipment and facilities to support children with SEND, will be secured


  • We aim to provide an accessible school environment. Improvements and adaptations to the buildings will be made in response to future needs arising.

  • Auxiliary aids and equipment will be provided for individual children where necessary.

7.      The arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEND and involving such parents in, the education of their child


  • Each term parents of children on the Special Needs register are invited to come to school during parents’ meetings and discuss their child’s individual targets

  • Parents/carers should initially contact the class teacher with concerns but the Executive Head Teacher/ Head of School and/or SENDCo are also available by arrangement

  • Parents/carers can usually speak to the class teacher briefly at the end of the day. Longer or more complex issues may require an appointment

  • An annual written report will be written for each child at the end of the summer term. Phone calls and letters home are also used to communicate with parents/carers

  • Questionnaires are given out regularly as another way of gathering parental feedback

  • Some SEND children have a ‘home diary’ for exchanging messages between school and home

  • Annual reviews are held for children with anEHCP and parents are invited to attend and share their views during these meetings


8.      The arrangements for consulting young people with SEND, and involving them in their education


  • Pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans and Looked After Children have the opportunity to share their experiences and views which is presented at review meetings and, if appropriate, the child will be invited to attend the meeting

  • Children are encouraged to speak to their classroom staff, and any other members of staff

  • Pupil voice work is carried out regularly with a range of students including those with and without SEND

  • The SENDCo regularly liaises with children on the SEND llist to keep updated on individual needs


9.      Arrangements made by Trust Board relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEND and concerning the provision made at the school


  • If parents of pupils with SEND have concerns they are always welcome to share these informally with the class teacher or the SENDCo. We will always listen to these concerns, and try our best to resolve the problem

  • If parents remain concerned, then they can request a meeting with the Executive Head Teacher/ Head of School and/or SENDCo to explore the matter further and see what else can be done

  • If these steps do not resolve the issue, then the parents can write a formal letter to the Chair of Trustees. The Trust Board will then deal with this concern following the procedures of the school’s complaints policy

  • If parents are unhappy with the outcome of this, they can take their concern to the Local Authority Complaints Officer


10.  How Trust Board involves other bodies, including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and in supporting the families of such children


  • The schools have access to the school nursing service

  • Height, weight, dental, hearing and sight screening for specific year groups takes place in school

  • Medical checks for children known to ‘Children’s Services’ can be carried out in school

  • The schools access an educational psychologist, physiotherapists and occupational therapist to support the health and well-being of our children

  • The Trust deploys Speech Bubble as the SALT advice service. All schools have regular access to this

  • Referrals can be made to other agencies relating to the health and well-being of our children



11. The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with SEND, ( access to parent partnership services)


Information, Advice and Support (SENDIIASS) Manchester

Telephone: 0161 209 8356

Email: Or 

For free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about any matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities of children and young people up to the age of 25 years.


Education, Health and Care Plan Team

Telephone: 0161 245 7439

Enquiries about requests for Education, Health and Care Plans including conversions of SEND Statements.


Travel Co-ordination Unit

Telephone: 0161 219 6400


Enquiries about home to school transport for children with statements of SEND or EHC plans. Please note that telephone enquiries are answered by Environment On Call.


Specialist Resource Teams

Telephone: 0161 245 7180


Enquiries about short breaks for children and young people with SEND.


12. The contact details of support services for supporting pupils with SEND in transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood and independent living


The SENDCo is happy to meet with parents and discuss options for their child’s future education and will arrange visits to the high schools for parents to discuss their child’s needs if requested.


Information, Advice and Support (SENDIIASS) Manchester

0161 209 8356

Email or

For free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about any matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities of children and young people up to the age of 25 years.


Education, Health and Care Plan  Team

Telephone: 0161 245 7439


Advice on how to support your child with transition to high school and further education


13. Information on where the local authority’s local offer is published

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